
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dfit Customized Fitness Solutions - Helping Me Reach My Goals!

If you're a regular follower of The Kitchen is My Dance Floor, you'll know that I've been working to get myself back in shape. Being new to working out, I'm not always sure what I should be doing.

Which exercises are the best for me?
How many reps?
How many times a week?

Last year, Chris and I joined a local gym. We decided to look into the personal trainers they offered.
I was shocked to find out the cost of a personal trainer.
$400 a month...and that was only working with him for about 45 minutes once a week!
And, I ended up canceling my membership (for $40 a month) because I never had time to go. 
With two kids - things get a little hectic around here. 

I was searching around for some alternatives to personal trainers and work-out DVDs and found Dynamic Fitness (Dfit) is an online, personal trainer - custom made just for you! You can use Dfit to create fully customized workout plans, learn proper exercise techniques, gain access to healthy recipes, and enjoy a vast resource of healthy living information.

What I loved about Dfit is that I could try it for free....and so can you!
They offer an amazing two week free trial
( don't ask for your credit card number for the free trial either!)


Signing up for your trial period is super easy.
You'll answer a series of questions asking about your weight, what types of health conditions you have and if you currently exercise.

They also ask what your goals are...weight loss? Body Building? Cardiovascular health?
Mine are for weight loss, more energy and to be stronger!

After I was finished signing up, I was ready to get started with my first workout!
So exciting!!

To be completely honest with you...
when I say what my first workout was going to be, I thought that this program would be too easy.
I just finished as I'm sitting here typing this and I'm still breathing hard.
And if you're lucky enough to be more in shape then I am...then you can adjust the settings to make your workout harder for you. 

Each workout is laid out in video form.
You watch the people on the videos do the exercise and you do it along with them. They make sure and show you the correct form to do each move. And, if you have questions about how to do a move, they have a library of videos that you can go through to make sure you're doing everything right and don't get hurt. 

I really love this idea.
As a stay at home mom, I can't always get out of the house at any kind of scheduled time to get the gym.
On some days, I have about 20 minutes of quiet time in the morning that I can work out.
Other days, it might not be until they go to bed.
With Dfit - I can workout anytime and they have a mobile app, so I can do it anywhere!

What I love even more is the price...$9.99 a month.
Look at all you get...

A mobile app, a food log, weekly audio and email messages to help keep you motivated and so much more.

They also have a section of recipes too, I'll be sharing some of these with you over the next several weeks. 

Go on over now and get signed up for your free trial - you have NOTHING to lose.

Well...except weight, I guess. But that's a good thing.

You can also follow Dfit on Facebook, Twitter and I love their Pinterest page! 

I was given a two month free subscription to Dynamic Fitness in exchange for a review. All opinions are 100% mine. I was not paid for this review or told what to say. It's all me!

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