
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Week Three Weigh-In + Tips that are helping me lose the weight!

This has been an awesome week!
I've ran about 5 miles.
I've been doing my weight training with
Doing my push-up app on my phone
and really being mindful of what I'm eating.

When I started, I weighed 176
Last week, I weighed 174.5
This week, I weighed in at

That's 4 pounds lost in about 3 weeks.
I'm pretty happy about that!!!

Beyond the numbers, I'm feeling much better.
I already feel skinnier in my clothes
I have a bit more energy
and I'm starting to really enjoy working out...again!

The family and I on an amazing hike this past weekend

Here is what has been working for me this week...

Drinking lots of water!
I got a comment last week from Melinda over at Organizing with a Side of Fabulous that said to drink water like it was my job. It's still hard for me to remember to always be drinking water...but I'm getting much better at it AND I keep reminding myself that it's now MY JOB to drink it!

Good snacks
I'm a really bad snacker.
On some days, every time I pass through the kitchen I think I need to get a little snack. I've been much better about that this past week and even bought (and made) some healthy snacks.
Cheese sticks and energy balls have been my two go-to's this week.
Try these energy balls from Gimme Some Oven...they are really good and super easy to make! 

I love these because you can customize them to suit your tastes...mine don't have any coconut flakes in them. And I just threw all the ingredients into my stand mixer, they came together really quick!

Eat a Good Breakfast
I've been eating either high protein cereal that I picked up from Trader Joe's or these Protein Waffles from Heidi Powell's website (the wife of Chris Powell - the extreme weight loss guy!)

Protein Waffle

I'm not a fan of cottage all.....but you'll never taste it in these waffles, they are so yummy! I made a triple batch and stuck them in the freezer. In the mornings, I just pop two in the toaster and breakfast is served! 

I have never been a fan of exercise. But after really finding some things that I think are running and weight lifting...I'm kind of starting to enjoy it. 
I'm working out with 
(which you have to try - you'll love it...and by clicking on that link, you can get two weeks for free!)

And to keep me even more motivated to run, I think the hubby and I are going to sign up to run in the Susan G Komen 5K this October! He runs it every year, I've always been to this is the year!!

Woot Woot!!!!

I also wanted to say THANK YOU again for all of your comments. I really love reading them. They keep me motivated and are full of great ideas. I really...really appreciate it!

Are you working out...getting back in shape? Tell me what your secrets are!!
Thanks again - have a great Monday!
Hey - before you leave, would you please do me a favor and take this quick reader survey? Thanks!


  1. Good for you, I am trying to lose some weight and it is really so hard. I have about 25 lbs that I want to take off. I need to do a little more exercise, so I may try some of your suggestions. Hugs, Marty

  2. Best of luck with the marathon! I can't wait to hear about that, and also to see what you got for the Books 'n' Bloggers swap. Show us, please! :)

  3. Glad my tip is helping!! The Water Your Body app is great for keeping track of how much water you've drank and reminding you to drink more.
