
Friday, August 23, 2013

DIY Wasp Spray....semi-fail

During the summer months, we leave our camper parked in our driveway
(we have a little pop-up)

I went out yesterday and set something on top of the camper and a bunch of wasps came flying out the A/C unit!
That scared the H-E- double-hockey-sticks out of me!

I went running in the house like a little girl.
I wouldn't doubt that I screamed either

I was so scared, it was all a blur. the hubby comes home that night and looks online to find how to get rid of wasps.
He found that if you mix a 70/30 mixture of fabric softener and water together, apparently the wasps will stay away.

Since we were out of wasp spray, we decided to try it out.

This looked to be a big nest inside the A/C unit.
I watched at least 10 wasps fly in and out of it, just while trying to get a picture for a minute.

Here's Chris being very manly and not scared to get close to them.


So the wasps did initially leave.
Once he sprayed the mixture on the until, they flew out.
A few tried to come back right away and came close to the

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sam! I love your blog name, it's what caught my eye!

    So it was a semi-fail? What did you end up doing?

    Love the fact that you are a Jesus lover! Me too, and I hope that we can become good blog-buddies. Come on over and see me sometime!

    Have a good (wasp-free) weekend!
