
Thursday, September 12, 2013

I'm Sorry...I've Been MIA

Hello folks!

I've been missing here for a few weeks.
Back to school and some things we're doing around the house, and my hubby starting nursing school have got me all screwed up.

But I'm back!
The stresses have been partially released and I'm ready to head back into this blog that I love!

Here are some pictures of what we've been up to lately....

I went to the Sandy Puc two day photography classes (a-ma-zing!)

I went and visited my BFFs and got to meet this little guy for the first time.

The hubby and our neighbor started what we thought would be a quick weekend project.
It has now turned into about two months worth of work.

Here's a picture of my beautiful friends - love these girls!

Oh....this again.
This has taken up too much of my time here lately.
I'm sooooo over it.

I now have a fourth grader.

And a Pre-Schooler.


So. Like I said, I'm back.
I have actually been doing some pretty cool little projects here and there.
I can't wait to share those with you!

I also have a whole host of AWESOME giveaways and reviews that are coming up from...

and so much MORE!!

See you here tomorrow for my review of the amazing Kidecals!


  1. Glad to her that you got stuff done on your bloggy break. I know how those little projects can turn into big ones.

  2. Hello, I am blog hopping today and I'm happy I found your blog. I wanted to invite you to visit a blog I just recently started as well at, it launches on 09/30/2013 (if you'll click on the "New Here" link you will find the links to follow us, including following the blog via GFC/"Google Friend Connect" on Blogspot).

    The website is going to contain many decorating ideas, topics on faith, recipes, FREEbies and printables, and more and I have teamed up with many talented writers on there to post entries in regards to these topics and more. Please visit (and if you would like to subscribe via e-mail to receive updates on new content posted on the website we welcome you to do that as
    well). We are also on Facebook at: (please like and share the page) and if you're on
    Twitter we are at: (please follow us there)! :)

    Thanks and have a great day! :)
