
Friday, November 14, 2014

Top 10 Fall Crafts for Boys

I'm the mom of two boys.
I love crafty things.

They (for the most part) hate any craft that last longer then 10 minutes Scratch that.....8 minutes.

My boys want to be running around the house tearing stuff up or outside playing football with their friends. They don't want to be in having craft time with mom.

So here is a list of my top ten favorite fall crafts that I've found on Pinterest that are perfect for boys. They don't require much time, you might get a little messy making them and you can always tell them how much Grandma would love to have something they made.

1. Paper Plate Pop-Up Turkey - this one is super easy and if you have a kid that loves to color, this is right up their alley.

2. Homemade Window Clings - love this one. The boys get a little messy (which mine love) and they get a cool thing to hang up in their windows! Win-Win in my book.

3. Leaf Art - Another one that I love. Make it a treasure hunt for your boys to find the biggest leaf they can. Paint it, press on paper. Done. Great art to hang on the wall.

4. Thanksgiving Potholders - quick and easy and a cute reminder of how little they once were.

5. TP Tube Turkeys - I always love crafts that are so easy, you already have all the supplies in your home! This is one of those super easy crafts!

6. Indian Corn Craft - I like this one because they can paint and learn a little too.

7. Painting Pine cones - this is the best...because there are no rules. Just paint and have fun. Plus searching for the perfect pine cones would be a fun game too.

8. Leaf Rubbing - there is nothing new about leaf rubbing. Just plain old fun for little kids.

9. Upcycled Bird Feeders - I remember doing these as a kid. Again - no rules. Just let their creativity flow as they paint or color their new bird feeders.

10. Pumpkin Moon Sand - the best part about this is to let the kids help making the moon sand too. Playing with something you just made is all about being a boy!

Enjoy that short window of time you have crafting with your boys!! I know I always do!

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