
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Fun & Easy Science Fair Experiement

As a kid, I loved science. I remember if I asked my dad about something science related, we would often dive full force into it - searching for answers. My dad was not a science person by any means but he loved learning and wanted me to have that same love. My love of learning has certainly been passed onto my kids. Both are smart boys who love asking questions and discovering those answers.

When my son and I heard about the schools upcoming science fair, we started searching through Pinterest for some ideas. {Click here to find all the science projects we found.} The one that really caught his eye was "Rethink Your Drink" or discovering how much sugar is in the drinks we enjoy (and he thought it was be great to be able to drink all of those drinks afterwards!) We decided on a twist to that and wanted to discover how much sugar was in candy bars (of course, still fun to eat afterwards!)

Ashton picked out the candy bars he wanted to use and to make a guess as to which candy bar had the most sugar. Then he went about collecting data from each of them:
Serving Size
Grams of Sugar

Once he figured out how many grams were in a teaspoon and did the math to figure out how much was in each bar, he started putting the exact amounts into some plastic containers and labeled each one accordingly.

After he wrote out all of his data and other information collected mounted it up on his poster board. We found a post from Hand Made Kids Art that really helped us being able to organize the board and make sure he collected all of the necessary information.

Looking back to when I was a child, when dad and I did science projects for school I'm sure anyone looking could tell that I obviously had not wrote out much of anything. While I remember pouring over encyclopedias (remember those??) And doing the research. I remember him doing most of the work on the poster itself. I remember kind of sitting back and him working the poster just right - so it looked good perfect (Type A parent for sure!!) I really try to not be that parent. It's not easy by any means....sloppy handwriting can drive me over the edge sometimes....but for the most part - I let him do all the work. In the end, it doesn't look perfect...but it looks perfect for him. And, really, that's all that matters.

And that he learned something. And had fun doing it. I think his favorite part was being able to present the project to his class and teach others.

Thanks so much for stopping by today! Make sure and visit me on Facebook and Pinterest for more fun science fair ideas.

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