
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What I'm Reading....

I usually don't read this many books at one time - but between two different bible studies that I'm involved with, my own personal studies and reading for pleasure - my stack has gotten pretty big!
I'll start with Children of the Day by Beth Moore. Beth Moore has got a ton of energy in her writings and in the video series that goes along with this book. This is a great women's bible study group! I've had several AHA moments just in the first few chapters - one that I'm hanging on to is - "Joy is happiness with out the moodiness." Ain't that the truth!
The NIV Quest Study Bible is a great tag-along to any bible study...whether is be a group or your own personal study. The sidebar notes have helped so many times. Think of it as a Cliffs Notes for your bible.
What the Bible is All About by Dr Henrietta Mears is another book that I'm always looking at. I love that it gives word origins, maps and other illustrations. Again, another great book to have by yourself with any type of bible study.
I'm re-reading The Shack by WM. Paul Young. I read this book first as a new believer so I wanted to read it again because I was so in love with the beauty of this book. The second time reading - I'm seeing so many new dimensions of this book and am loving it even more!
If you're looking for a great small group bible study then I recommend Improving Your Parenting by Dennis and Barbara Rainey. It's part of the Homebuilders Parenting Series and is an excellent study. A great study to do along side your spouse to see where you are with the core values you'd like to pass onto your children.
The newest book I've added is Believe  Living The Story of The Bible to Become Like Jesus. Randy Frazee, Editor. Think of it as the bible is story format with some excellent notes to help you better understand situations about how you can use them in your daily life. Look for a full review of this book in the coming weeks!
What have you been reading this month??

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